Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2016, 28, 54-62 [in Ukrainian].

GORBATIUK A.I., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., RYZHENKO G.F., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ANDRIIACHUK V.O., ZHOVNIR O.M., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., UKHOVSKA T.M., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., TIUTIUN S.M.

Institute of Veterinary Medicine of NAAS


Introduction. The paper presents the study of nonspecific humoral immunity indices in animals after applying an experimental sample of associated vaccine “Multysuisan” against the most common swine bacteriosis. The article contains a comparative analysis of titers of antibodies specific to S. сholeraesuis, Cl. рerfringens type С and E. coli, determined in blood sera of animals inoculated with prototypes and the associated monovaccines by agglutination test (AT), confirming the absence of competition between the antigens in the body of the vaccinated animals. The goal of the work. To study the level of titers of specific agglutinins in the body of laboratory animals inoculated with associated vaccine against common swine bacterial diseases and monovaccines designed of relevant antigens included in associated vaccine and to conduct a comparative analysis of the results.

Material and methods. The work was carried out in the laboratory of anaerobic infections of the IVM NAAS and on the basis of experimental biological clinic of the M.D. Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology. For the research we used experimental sample of associated vaccine “Multysuisan” and monovaccines prototypes which include agents of epizootic strains: vaccine “Salmosan” (S. sholeraesuis); vaccine “Velshysan-2” (Cl. рerfringens type C), vaccine “Kolisan” (E. coli). Blood sampling was conducted at the beginning of the experiment (before vaccination), in 7 and 14 after the first and in 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after second vaccination. Determination of antibody titers specific to S. choleraesuis, Cl. perfringens type C and E. coli has been conducted using AT conventional method by V.M. Ivchenko (1997). Statistical analysis of the results of research was carried out using the program «Excel–97» for Windows and the parametric Student's t-test considering the probability of the threshold from р<0.05 to р<0.001.

Results of research and discussion. After obtaining results of AT with sera from rabbits vaccinated with experimental samples of associated vaccine and monovaccines, a comparative analysis of the level of antibody titers specific to S. sholeraesuis, Cl. perfringens type C and E. coli antigens has been conducted. Studying the level of antibody titers specific to S. choleraesuis revealed their increasing by 13.8% compared with the same index in rabbits vaccinated with prototype monovaccine “Salmosan”, which confirms the lack of antigen competition when applying multicomponent vaccine preparation to the rabbits. The results showed that the content of antibodies specific to Cl. perfringens type C when applying the experimental multicomponent vaccine was significantly higher by 26.7% (p <0.001) compared to rabbits indices vaccinated with the corresponding monovaccine “Velshikolisan”. The level of agglutinin titers specific to E. coli compared with those in rabbits vaccinated with monovaccine “Kolisan” was higher by 3.2% that confirms the lack of antigen competition at application of multicomponent vaccine prototype “Multisuisan”.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. Found that produced experimental sample of associated (multicomponent) vaccine “Multysuisan” against the most common bacteriosis does not cause competition between antigens in animals after application, since the level of agglutinins specific to S. сholeraesuis was higher by 13.8%, Cl. рerfringens significantly higher by 26.7% (p <0.001), and to E. coli higher by 3.2% compared to the corresponding indices in rabbits vaccinated with monovaccines produced of appropriate inactivated pathogens.

Keywords: swine bacterioses, associated vaccine, monovaccine, agglutination test (AT), antigen competition.


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