Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2016, 28, 133-141 [in Ukrainian].
LAYTER-MOSKALYUK S.V., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Podilsky State Agrarian University of Technology
KUCHTYN M.D., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ternopil Experimental Station of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of NAAS
Introduction.Nowadays in Ukraine there are a lot of alkali means and only two are acid detergent-disinfectants that registered abroad for sanitary processing of milking and dairy equipment. However, effective sanitization only may be effective when both alkaline and acid products are used in turn. Therefore, the development of domestic acid detergent-disinfectant is prospective and actual.
We have created a research version of acid detergent-disinfectant, which contains 25% nitrogen and 10% citric acid which has been passed all laboratory tests. Preclinical testing of veterinary medicinal products is an important and indispensable prerequisite for the creation of new dosage forms.
The goal of the work. Conducting of toxicological studies of acid detergent-disinfectant research version for sanitary processing of milking equipment.
Materials and methods. The study was performed in collaboration with the laboratory of control of disinfectant and antihelminthic preparations of State research control Institute of veterinary preparations and feed additives (Lviv). Toxicological studies were performed according to standard techniques.
Results of researchand discussion. Toxicological studies are necessary in the development of detergent-disinfectants for sanitary processing of milking and dairy equipment. On toxicological characterization detergent-disinfectants should not be below III hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007−76.
This version of detergent-disinfectant and its solution in a concentration of 0.5% was chosen for toxicological studies. As a result of toxicological studies it was found out that acid detergent “TDS”, which contains 25% nitrogen and 10 % citric acid is moderately toxic (III grade of toxicity) provides vith irritation effect on skin and mucous membranes. It is necessary to observe safety requirements while working. Working solution of 0,5% is low-toxic (IV class of toxicity), has no irritating effect to skin and harmful effect on the mucous membranes, shows no skin-resorptive action is weakly expressed and has a cumulative effect.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. Toxicological studies conducted on acid detergent “TDS”. Guidelines for sanitizing of milking equipment with acid detergent “TDS” will be developed.
Keywords: acid detergent, toxicological studies, milking equipment.
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