Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2016, 28, 241-246 [in Ukrainian].

RUDENKO O.P., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.VISCHUR O.I., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Institute of Animal Biology of NAAS

KOVALENKO V., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Institute of Veterinary Medicineof NAAS


Introduction. We know that the main objects pond breeding western region of Ukraine is approved in 1997 and scaly carp ramchasti Lyubinska inner interbreed type. In breeding farms and cultivated carp, which is one of the original forms to create carp Lyubinska type and is used for carp-Sazanov hybrids [2]. Most pressing problems in growing carp is the need to increase their resistance and comprehensive study of the biological characteristics [1] .

The immune system of fish, as well as higher vertebrates, provides self-regulation through direct contact of the cells, as well as by specific and nonspecific factors of protection. Non-specific protection mechanisms have a much greater range of functions and uses for removal of foreign bodies, even those with which the body does not contacted [8]. By nonspecific factors of protection include phagocytosis of white blood cells. [8], nonspecific cytotoxic cells [7]. Meanwhile, the number of fish found phylogenetically fixed non-specific humoral factors that have antimicrobial action, lysozyme, fibrinogen, serum bactericidal activity [3].

The goal of the work.  іs to clarify the seasonal and specific features of the natural defense mechanisms of the body carp fish: Lyubinska ramchastoho, scaly carp and wild carp.

Materials and methods of research.The study was conducted at the Lviv branch of the Institute of Fisheries NAAS, town. Great Lubin on three groups of fish age of two. Carp and scaly ramchastyy grown adjacent to a pond and carp separately, is next. The material for the research served as the blood that was the heart of fish in different seasons: spring (May), summer (August) and fall (October). Serum samples - bactericidal activity (BASK) for microbial culture Aeromonas hydrophila; lizotsymnu activity (please) the daily culture Mycrococcus Lysodeikticus; content of circulating immune complexes (CIC) average molecular weight. In the heparin samples were stabilized phagocytic activity and intensity polinuklearnyh cells.

Results of research and discussion. Research results indicate a lower level of performance in a non-specific resistance and ramchastyh Lyubinska scaly carp and carp in the summer and autumn periods compared to the spring, which can be caused by water temperature and increasing antigenic load on the body carp and consequently lowering the immune capacity of the body.

Regarding the specific performance characteristics of natural resistance in the studied species should be noted that lizotsymna bactericidal activity and serum, and phagocytic activity of neutrophils, phagocytic index number and blood ramchastyh carp in the spring and summer periods were lower (p <0,05-0,001 ) than in the period of research in scaly carp.

Thus, the research results show significantly higher levels of non-specific resistance in comparison to carp Lyubinska flake and ramchastoho carp. High potential natural defense mechanisms in carp likely formed during a long evolution in different conditions of existence and in different climatic zones.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. It notes that lower indices of nonspecific resistance in Lyubinska scaly carp and carp in the summer compared to spring cultivation.
During the annual cycle of growing activity of cellular and humoral factors of natural resistance in the body carp was higher than Lyubinska ramchastyh and scaly carp. However, bactericidal activity and lizotsymna serum and phagocytic activity of neutrophils, phagocytic index number and blood ramchastyh carp in the spring and summer periods were lower (p <0,05-0,001) than in the period of research in scaly carp.

Note about the need to study the performance of T- and B-cell immunity for the purpose of comprehensive assessment of natural and adaptive immune defense carp fish throughout their annual cycle of cultivation.

Keywords: natural resistance, carp fish blood


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