Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2016, 28, 265-271 [in Ukrainian].

SOKOLUK V., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Institute of Veterinary Medicine of NAAS

ZASEKIN D., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Introduction. Ensuring quality of waterfor animals is a prerequisite for achieving their performance. Council Directive 98/58 EC supplements the requirements of the Convention in 1978 points to the fact that all animals must have access to adequate water sources or be able to meet fluid requirements by other means: feeding and watering should be organized in order to reduce the harmful effects of possible contamination of food and water. The requirements for the water has to be scientifically justified, meet environmental and physiological requirements of the animal species, contribute to reduction of stress, reduce morbidity and improve the performance of productive animals. The water used in livestock must meet certain requirements. In Ukraine the requirements are equated to the DSANPIN 2.2.4-177-10 terms "Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption".

The goal of this work was to determine the characteristics of physical and chemical composition of the water and the water supply system on one of the dairy farms of Central region of Ukraine.

Materials and methods.Samples of water were taken during the fall season from the two points on the farm (well and drinking points), the study conducted by methods of parallel samplings (n=3) in accredited state laboratories of veterinary medicine. The chemical composition of water was determined by the Kurlov formula.

Results of research and discussions. It was found that the sanitary condition of water supply on the dairy farm did not meet the requirements, contributing to water pollution. As a result the water quality is much lower in drinking points than in the originalwells. In terms of the turbidity of the water does not meet standards. The color indicator of water exceeded the recommended value. Common bacterial contamination of water was in 2.8 times higher than the standards. The regularities in the dynamics of spatial changes of microbiological water quality showed marked increase in water contamination by microorganisms on the drinking points comparative to the water from wells (spatial aspect).

Conclusions and prospects for future research. There was found the increased concentration of ammonia nitrogen. Nitrate and nitrite level in the water were within permissible limits. There were found small concentrations of Arsenic, Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Zinc, corresponding to acceptable levels in water samples taken from the investigated farm. Mercury content was between 0.3 and 0.4 mg/dm3 for BPC – 0.5. There was determined a high content of Manganese and Iron in water samples from the farm, which exceeded the permissible concentration in 5 times.

We believe that a promising area of future research should study the sanitary water features that ensure appropriate animal health and the quality of products received from them.

Keywords: water, cow, quality, chemical composition, microbiology


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