Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2016, 28, 300-305 [in Ukrainian].
SHUMANSKIY YU. I., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., OCHRYM S.A., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ternopil Experimental Station of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of NAAS
Introduction. Reproduction of cattle is the basis for the development of dairy industry in Ukraine. A significant impact on the reproductive ability of cows have processes of uterine involution in postpartum period that depend on the rate of recovery of full sexual cycles and fertilization. Calving and intensification of lactation processes contribute to the functional strength of various body systems of cows that cause many metabolic diseases.
The goal of the work was to determine the effect of the preparation “Gepaveks-200” applied after calving for recovery of cows’ reproductive function and organism condition.
Materials and methods. At thefarm “Agroprodservice Invest” in Kozova Raion of Ternopil oblast we selected clinically healthy cows in the period after calving to which preparation “Gepaveks-200” was applied per os in 1-5th day at 10.0 ml dose per animal during 5 days. Ten cows which preparation did not apply were control. At the beginning and after the end of the study period we took blood for biochemical research from the control and research groups of cows.
The results of the research and discussion. The level of circulating immune complexes (CIC) in blood serum of cows after application of the preparation “Gepaveks-200” reduced by 23.68% (p≤0.01) compared to the beginning of the experiment in the blood serum of cows in the control group.
The content of immunoglobulin A in cows serum after application of the preparation “Gepaveks-200” increased by 64.29% (p≤0.001), immunoglobulin M decreased by 74.55% (p≤0.001), immunoglobulin G decreased by 44.73% (pr≤0.01) compared to the beginning of the study period. Application of the preparation to the cows reduced the content of sialic acids in serum by 34.31% (p≤0.01), and the ratio of AWM 280/254 by 15.15% (p≤0.05) compared to the beginning of the experiment, while these indicators in blood serum of cows in the control group changed significantly.
Application of the preparation “Gepaveks-200” in the recommended dose in cows in the early after calving contributed to prevention of pathology during postpartum period, duration of service period decreased by 72 days (p≤0.01), insemination index decreased by 0.4 units, compared with those of the control group in which one case of postpartum pathology and two cases of subclinical mastitis were diagnosed
Conclusions and perspectives for further research:
Keywords: cows, preparation “Gepaveks-200”, detoxification, postpartum period, reproductive function.