Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2018, 32(1), 34-43 [in Ukrainian].
AKYMENKO L.I., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., GORDIENKO О.I., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., TYNDYK В.C., MANDZYA І.N.
State Scientific Control Institute of Biotechnology and strains (DNKIBSHM)
The value of phytocomponent in the culture medium for new synbiotic preparations producers
Introdaction. The combined probiotics preparations prevail at the modern market. The amaranth was elected as prebiotic. The use of probiotics preparetions has an actual value not only for a stock-raising but also for a health man protection by the decline of people morbidity risk of safety of agricultural productes.
The goal of work: To create medium on the basis of lactoserum and amaranth extract, to determine the optimal terms for natural microorganisms association cultivation for creation of liquid synbiotic preparation.
Materials and methods of research. The serum milk and aquatic extract of amaranth on the mixture of components of 1:1 was used for medium development, the natural microorganisms associations of fermenting process was researched. The standardized research methods was used in accordance to SSTU 8666:2016, SSTU 8710:2017, SSTU of 8712:2017. The acidity of fermentation activity was determined by a titrimetric method for Теrner with periodicity 24 hours.
Results of research discussion. The evaluation of new medium properties and tradition was compared. The determination of day's microorganisms increase confirmed: the higher concentration of cages of day's culture is observed at cultivation on an authorial medium (C+A) – 8.95. While on the MRS – 4.88, MPB – 3.27, TSB – 4.28. The culture of lactate microorganisms and yeasts (12–14 types of cages) was isolation. A minimum accumulation of organic acids is certainly on a 48 o'clock of cultivation. It testifies to the height of yeasts , and the amount of lactate microorganisms increases from 48 hour. The further standardization of the synbiotic preparation must include constant indexes of components, which provide quality of preparation.
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