Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2018, 32(1), 61-70 [in Russian]. https://doi.org/10.31073/vet_biotech32(1)-06

VASILKOVA V.P., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., SHHEMELEVA N.Ju., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

S.N. Vyshelesky Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Introduction. During 2016–2017 we have developed composition of the complex medicine "Virococcidum" which part were modern coccidiostatic substance, anthelmintic, organic acids and vitamin. The purpose of our researches was to study pharmako-toxicological properties of new complex drug.

Materials and methods of researches. Researches were conducted in the conditions of a vivarium and department of parasitology of RUP "Institute of Experimental Veterinary Science of S.N. Vyshelessky". Studying of acute toxicity was carried out according to "Methodical instructions by toxicological assessment of the chemicals and pharmacological medicines applied in veterinary science".

Results of researches. The results don't allow to set parameters of sharp toxic influence (LD50, LD100) of the studied experimental sample of the medicine "Virococcidum" at his intragastric introduction to mice as at use of medicine in doses from 10 to 40 g of medicine/kg of mass of an animal death of mice was absent. Results of the carried-out work have allowed to draw a conclusion that the examinee a sample of medicine has no toxicity and according to "Harmful substances" belongs to the 4th class of danger (low-dangerous substances). As a result of experience it is established that medicine doesn't possess irritant action on mucous membranes and organs of vision of animals as reddenings, swellings, the morbidity, raschyos in the field of a conjunctival bag is noted. The structure medicine doesn't possess local irritant action on skin of animals as throughout the entire period of observations any reddenings, swellings, morbidity and other changes in the place of use of medicine are noted. The sample of this medicine doesn't possess the sensibilizing action as doesn't cause reaction at his use after a break in prolonged use. During experience it has been established that during the entire period of observations at rabbits skilled and the control group of pathological deviations in a clinical state from physiological norm hasn't been noted, animals were active, willingly ate a forage, thirst was absent, the wool cover remained smooth and brilliant. From the received results of researches it is visible that the examinee medicine in doses of-100 and 300 mkg/kg of live weight doesn't exert negative impact on the general condition of an organism, morphological and biochemical.

Conclusions and perspktiva of further researches. 1. Results of toxicological researches, have allowed to draw a conclusion that new drug has no acute and chronic toxicity and belongs to the 4th class of danger (low-dangerous substances). 2. It is established what virococcidum has no sensibilizing (allergenic) ability and also irritant action on mucous membranes and skin. 3. The new complex drug "Virococcidum" doesn't make cumulative and toxic impact on an organism of rabbits in therapeutic and is triple exceeding therapeutic doses. In prospects of further researches there will be a studying of efficiency, and also influences on the immune status of animals of the medicine "Virococcidum".

Keywords: pharmaco-toxicological properties, toxicity, harmlessness, irritating, sensitising effects, white mice, guinea pigs, rabbits.


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