Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2018, 32(1), 80-84 [in Ukrainian].
GORDIENKO O.I., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
State Scientific Control Institute of Biotechnology and strains (DNKIBSHM)
Introduction. Highly dispersed silica is a specifically treated SiO2 silicon dioxide. Its characteristic feature of this is the presence of a highly developed surface covered with a large number of hydroxyl groups. In the limits of certain concentrations, such silicon dioxide is physiologically harmless and related to the biosystem is stable for storage. The chemica300 nature of the attached groups determines the hydrophilic or hydrophobic quality of the surface of highly dispersed aerosols, which further determines its use in biotechnologies of various applications (adjuvants, dispersants, etc.)
The goal of the work. Analysis of the general characteristics of the physical and chemical properties of the modified aerosil to studying its effect on the surface of the live cell during their interaction and the selecte its optimal concentration in the protective medium during freeze-drying of E. coli O55.
Materials and methods. Originally, a daily culture was grown on the nutrient broth of the MPB. To one part of the daily culture, a protective medium of Faibicha was added in the ratio 1:1, to the second part – the medium of Faibicha with 0.1% A-300, to the third part – the medium of Faibicha with 0.3% aerosil-300, to the fourth part – the medium Faibicha with 0.4% A-300. Results of the study and discussion. The number of viable cells in the CFU index increased after freeze-drying in 5 times (500%), namely 5,000,000 cells per cm³ according to the results with the control sample without the addition of the aerosil-300 in the protective environment. The nature of the interaction of E. coli 055 with the addition aerosil-300 of various concentrations was observed using electron microscopic studies. It was established addition of 0.3% polysorb is optimal. It was is confirmed by the creation of a even surface of cells with the formation of a layer on its surface due to sorbtion of microparticles A-300 (polysorb). Such an aerosol artificial shell on the surface of a living cell, due to physical and chemical processes passing on the surface of living cells, provides protection from the negative effects of deep freezing on biomass before drying and direct sublimation of water molecules from frozen biomass.
Conclusions and prospects for further research: 1. Monitoring of the use of aerosils in biotechnology was conducted. 2. Microparticles of aerosil were sorbed on the surface of the cell and form protective layer. 3. Optimal concentration of aerosil-300 in the protective medium of Faibicha is 0.3%; 4. The level of cells protection of the productive strain E.coli О55 for freeze-drying is in 5 times (500%), compared with drying control without aerosil -300. 5. It is promising to introduce a protective atmosphere with aerosil-300 in the technology of storage other bacterial cultures.