Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2018, 32(1), 146155 [in Ukrainian]. https://doi.org/10.31073/vet_biotech32(1)-19

NAPNENKO O.O., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

State Scientific Control Institute of Biotechnology and strains (DNKIBSHM)

KUCHERYAVENKO V.V.e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., KUCHERYAVENKO R.O.



Introduction. This article is devoted to the study of the antigenic activity of associated vaccines against viral respiratory diseases in cattle. The authors conducted immunity researches in vaccinated calves under the conditions of Ukrainian commercial farming. The obtained results imply the high antigenic activity of vaccines, which allows them to be used in commercial farming to prevent cattle diseases such as bovine viral diarrhoea, parainfluenza-3 and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis.

The goal of the work. The mission was to test the antigenic activity of associated vaccines against viral respiratory diseases of cattle.

Materials and methods. The researches were conduct under the conditions of commercial farming. Animals were kept under identical conditions and with the same diet. For vaccination, 3-months old calves in number of 25 animals were selected and divided into 4 bunches included 5 animals. Every bunch was vaccinated with relevant vaccine. Next vaccines were used (groupwise) as prescribed by instructions. 1st bunch – BOVI-SHIELD GOLD ONE SHOTTM; 2nd bunch – BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5 L5 HB; 3rd bunch – Vista Once SQ; 4th bunch – Vista 5 L5 SQ; 5th bunch – intact animals. The blood samples were taken and tested from each calf individually before vaccination and in three weeks after vaccination. The presence of antibodies against viruses IBR and BVD in cattle blood serum was detected by immunoassay analysis (ELISA) using test kits produced by IDVet, France. The researches of the presence of antibodies to the PI-3 virus were performed using the ELISA test kit, produced by IDEXX, France. All the calves selected for the research had antibody titers against IBR, BVD and PI-3 at a low level before vaccination. However, the presence of antibodies in non-vaccinated calves showed the circulation of the virus in the herd of current farm.

Results of the study and discussion. Analyzing the obtained results we observed a significant increase of the antibody titers against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, bovine viral diarrhoea and parainfluenza-3 after vaccination by BOVI-SHIELD GOLD ONE SHOTTM, BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5 L5 HB, Vista Once SQ and Vista 5 L5 SQ, meanwhile the antibody titers in control bunch did not change essentially.

Conclusions and perspectives of further researches. 1. The antigenic activity of all the used vaccines in researches BOVI-SHIELD GOLD ONE SHOTTM, BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5 L5 HB, Vista Once SQ and Vista 5 L5 SQ vary depend on causative agent and vaccine producer. 2. Further, it is planning to study the effects of associated vaccines against viral respiratory diseases of cattle on the course of cow pregnancy and the development of colostral immunity in calves under the conditions of Ukrainian commercial farming.


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