Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2018, 32(1), 303-307 [in Ukrainian].
FOTINA T.I., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sumy National Agrarian University
Institute of Grain Crops of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences
Introduction. The article presents data on the study of the biological properties of Pasteurella multocida isolated during pasteurello-ascariasis poultry disease.
The goal of the work. We conducted a pathological-anatomical the cut-off of 2,300 corpses of the dead bird. To isolate Pasteurella conducted sowings of parenchymal organs (heart, liver, spleen, gallbladder, kidney) and red bone marrow on simple (MPA, MPB) enriched (Hottinger's broth, Hottinger broth, MPA with 2–3 % glucose added, MPA enriched with 2 % of blood serum of cattle) culture medium.
Materials and methods of research. Pathogenic properties of a dedicated culture of pasteurals determined by setting a biological sample on laboratory of poultry which was administered daily broth culture in a dose according to the species, intraperitoneally, smears stained by Gram. Helminthological studies of scabies and intestinal contents were performed according to generally accepted methods. The isolated culture Pasteurella multocida possessed typical morpho-tincorial and cultural properties. The isolated Pasteurella multocida culture, unlike the Pasteurella multocida mushroom strain № 19–31, fermentes lactose. 74 % pasteurals and 26 % of ascarids are registered. Percentage ratio of pathogens persisted for 15 passages. In the pathologically-anatomical section of the carcasses of the birds in the small intestine, mature, yellow-white Ascaridia galli worms were observed. From the scrapers of the intestine, eggs of Ascaridia galli were found, which in the field of view of the microscope were oval with a smooth shell. Pathogenic properties of a dedicated culture of pasteurals were determined by producing a biological test according to generally accepted methods. 24 hours after infection observed the death of poultry from 89,7 to 90 % with the emergence of sepsis.
Results of research and discussion. From dead birds isolated pathogenic culture of Pasteurella multocida, from scrubs of the intestines of ascarid eggs, from the lumen of the intestines are mature parasites. 74 % pasteurals and 26 % of ascarids are registered. Percentage ratio of pathogens persisted for 15 passages. The isolated culture Pasteurella multocida, in contrast to the Pasteurella multocida museum № 19–31, fermentes lactose. The cultural properties of the epizootic strain are stable. Pathogenic properties of the isolated culture Pasteurella multocida fairly high, were observed 24 hours after infection poultry deaths from 80 to 90 % with the occurrence of sepsis.
Conclusions and prospects for further research: 1. Consequently, the pathogenic culture of Pasteurella multocida, from the intestine scarcity of the ascarid eggs, is isolated from the dead bird, and from the lumen of the intestines are mature parasites. 74% pasterals and 26% of ascarids are registered. Percentage ratio of pathogens persisted for 15 passages. 2. It has been established that Pasteurella multocida, in contrast to the Pasteurella multocida museums strain number 19–31, fermentes lactose. The cultural properties of the epizootic strain are stable. 3. The pathogenic properties of the isolated culture of Pasteurella multocida were quite high, after 24 hours after infection, the death of poultry was observed from 80 to 90% with the onset of sepsis.
Keywords: biological properties, bacterium, helminthes, the mixed pasteurellosis and ascaridosis diseases, poultry.