Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2018, 32(1), 372-377 [in Ukrainian].
KOLCHYK О.V., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
National scientific center "Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine"
In pig farms of Ukraine, cases of associated animal infections, which are caused by several viruses and bacteria simultaneously, are recorded more and more frequently. Clinical signs of these diseases are different from the classical, therefore it is quite difficult to recognize and to make a diagnosis. Conducted numerous studies as well as data reporting and veterinary literature indicate that despite the growing intensity of use chemotherapeutic agents, incidence of infectious diseases among young growth remains high (70%).
The purpose of research. To study the epizootic situation and etiological structure of the associated swine diseases in specialized pig farms with different growing technologies.
Materials and methods. Laboratory studies of biological materials from pigs of different age groups in eight farms of Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava, Kherson, Odesa and Chernihiv regions were conducted during 2015–2017. Clinical and pathoanatomical material from pigs was examined using commonly used virological and bacteriological methods.
Research results and discussion. According to the results of the conducted bacteriological studies, it has been established that the leading etiological role in viral-bacterial associations that has been formed in all the surveyed 8 farms in all age groups of pigs is Pasteurella multocida (from 32.0% to 50.0%), to which Neisseria, clostridia, actinobacilli, fungi of the genus Candida are joined. Among the pig population, the highest prevalence of circovirus infection (67% to 83%) was found in association with other viruses: in 17% of cases, in association with PRRS, in 49% of cases, with porcine parvovirus, in 15% of cases, with Aujeszky's disease.
Conclusions. 1. Clinical-epizootiological and laboratory studies have revealed the circulation of viruses PCV-2, PRRS, porcine parvovirus and Aujeszky's disease among pig population in 8 farms of 6 regions of Ukraine. 2. In viral-bacterial infections of piglets, the leading role among bacterial factors in etiology is played by pasteurellas in combination with other conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which indicates a decrease in the animal organism resistance in modern conditions of industrial pig breeding.