Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2018, 32(1), 407-416 [in Ukrainian].
PALIY A.P., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
National scientific center "Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine"
RODIONOVA K.O., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Luhansk National Agrarian University
Aim. In the system of veterinary and sanitary measures at enterprises for the processing of herbal and animal raw materials, timely and qualitative disinfection of veterinary supervision objects (premises, equipment, transport, etc.) plays important role. The article presents the results of the identification of the sanitary and hygienic status of the vehicles, which are used for meat products transportation.
Methods. The material for the studies was a domestic preparation containing hydrogen peroxide (not less than 6,0 %), acetic acid (up to 30,0 %), peracetic acid (not less than 3,0 %), active substances, complexones, water. The object of the research was the specialized motor transport of meat processing enterprises (GAZel cameras and refrigerated containers on the MAN automobile platform) intended for transportation of meat, meat raw materials, semi-finished products and sausages. The bactericidal properties of the disinfectant were studied in accordance with the current methodological recommendations. The museum strains Bacillus alvei (strain 5), Escherichia coli (strain K 99), Salmonella Dublin (strain 41) and Staphylococcus aureus (strain 209) were used as test cultures.
Results. It has been established that the amount of MAFAnM on the chambers walls is (49,87 ± 6,52)×103 CFU/cm2. During the swab samples analysis so as to identify the presence of pathogenic microflora, there have been detected (45,1%) the Enterobacteriaceae family representatives, (6.3%) the genus Staphylococcus bacteria and (2.3%) the genus Salmonella bacteria out of 53,6% of the total swab number. The efficiency of using acid disinfectant to disinfect the vehicles of meat processing enterprises is determined. According to the results of laboratory and production tests, it has been determined that the disinfectant reflexes its bactericidal properties in relation to the test microorganism cultures (B. alvei, E. coli, S. aureus and S. Dublin) at 2,0% concentration for 15 minutes exposure. Disinfection activity in accordance to the test objects, contaminated with E. coli and S. aureus, has been observed with use the drug at 1,5% concentration for 45 minutes exposure. It has been proved that the experimental disinfectant has a deodorant property. The use of the test drug has allowed to reduce the intensity of the smelly to 0 points (94,3%), and only in rare cases (0,7%) the smelly in 1 point has been observed.
Conclusions. Microbiological research of sanitary-hygienic state of motor transport of meat processing enterprises confirms the necessity of their daily preventive disinfection. According to the results of the made research, it has been found that acid disinfectant could be used at meat enterprises with the aim to disinfect motor transport.
Keywords: vehicle, food products, disinfection, disinfectant.
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