Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2018, 32(1), 466-477 [in Ukrainian]. https://doi.org/10.31073/vet_biotech32(1)-63

KLESTOVA Z.S., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

State Scientific Control Institute of Biotechnology and strains (DNKIBSHM)


Based on the experience of many countries and available data, the spread of FMD outbreaks in recent years has been analyzed both by species of animals and by geographical regions of the world, with particular attention being paid to countries with a common border with Ukraine. Circulation of certain serotypes of FMD in these regions was revealed. Examples of non-compliance of vaccine drugs with circulating epizootic isolates are presented, which provoked the emergence of the disease in the vaccinated livestock of animals. Proposals for inclusion in the state strategy of FMD prevention and response to possible threats have been developed. The analysis emphasizes the importance of attention to zoonotic diseases that are not currently registered in Ukraine, but present a potential threat.

Introduction. Foot-and-mouth disease (aphtae epizooticae) – refers to particularly dangerous high-contiguous transboundary acute viral diseases of many species of animals characterized by fever, aphthous lesion of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, skin, udder and intercostal cracks of the limbs; in young animals – a defeat of the myocardium and skeletal muscles, which can spread rapidly, run in the form of epizootics and pantozoites with severe economic and social consequences. Sometimes people suffering from FMD, especially children. The disease causes significant economic losses both to the farms where it arose and to the country as a whole. In farms where FMD has arisen, the main losses are reduced productivity, costs of significant funds for the implementation of quarantine measures, immunization of animals. Losses increase from restriction of economic activity, impossibility of export of animals, meat and dairy products, etc. Epizootics of FMD sometimes cause countries greater economic damage than natural disasters. Confirmation of the lack of our knowledge about this infection is that, despite a long study, foot and mouth disease is still widespread. Economic losses consist of 100% animal morbidity, malnutrition losses, milk from cows, as well as reduced quality of products. Epizootics of foot and mouth disease interfere with the normal economic activity of entire districts, regions and even countries.

The purpose of the work. Conduct an analysis of the epizootic foot-and-mouth disease situation in the world and identify possible ways of responding to bio-threat.

Materials and methods of research. Applied analytical and statistical research methods.

Results of research and discussion. The examples of epizootic situation in the world concerning foot-and-mouth disease, the prevalence of serotypes of the virus in the regions of the world are analyzed, the epizootic situation of recent years in neighboring countries is analyzed, the causes of outbreaks of the disease in vaccinated animals are analyzed. Proposals have been made to improve preventive work to prevent illness in the territory of our state.

Conclusions and perspectives of further research: FMD is still one of the major threats to livestock breeding in different countries of the world and their economies. Taking into account the situation in the world regarding the spread of foot and mouth disease, and especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine, we must admit that for our country there is a high risk of a possible infection of the virus on the territory of the state. There is a need for a state strategy and concept for foot-and-mouth disease prevention in Ukraine. Further monitoring, preventive and predictive research will contribute to strengthening the biosafety system of the veterinary sector.

Keywords: FMD, virus, epizootic situation, offers.


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