Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2019, 34, 39-49 [in Ukrainian].
YERMOLENKO O.M., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Institute of Veterinary Medicine NAAS
Introduction. Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy is not sufficiently studied in our country, so when it is detected in pig farms, veterinary specialists are not able to diagnose and differentiate the disease in timely, and, therefore, to prevent economic losses from it.
The goal of the work was analysis of literary sources on the study of the Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy.
Materials and methods. The research was conducted by studying and analyzing domestic and foreign literary sources devoted to the Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy.
Results of research and discussion. Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy (PPE) (intestinal adenomatosis, necrotic enteritis, regional ileitis, proliferative hemorrhagic enteropathy) is an infectious disease characterized by intestinal disorders and progressive weight loss of pigs in breeding and fattening groups. The causative agent of Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy is the gram-negative bacterium Lawsonia intracellularis. The first reports of the presence of the disease in Ukraine relate to 2008-2009 (Ayshpur and co-workers, Berezovsky, Pototsky). The profound and fundamental study of the disease began in 2011 by the scientists of the IVM NAAN. The epizootic examinations, clinical, pathology-anatomical, cytological, serological and histological studies were conducted for the detection of a Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy pathogen, which showed that the disease has a significant spread among the pig farms of Ukraine.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. Thus, at present, the Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy in pigfarms of our country has not been sufficiently studied. Specialists of farms, having lack of information about it, make a false diagnosis. Therefore, we must continue the research on the presence, distribution, detection of the Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy, which will prevent the occurrence of the disease, and if it is available to carry out effective prevention and control measures.
Keywords: Proliferative Enteropathy, pigs, Ileitis, Lawsonia intracellularis.
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