Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2019, 34, 76-81 [in Ukrainian]. https://doi.org/10.31073/vet_biotech34-09

KATYUKHA S.М., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Research Station Of Epizootology IVM NAAS


Introduction. The black-flies of the Simuliidae family are particularly dangerous among the bloodsucking dipterans insects. They cause pathological phenomena in different kinds of warm-blooded animals, recognized as simuliidotoxicosis, introducing a hemolytic toxin during bloodsucking. Today in the scientific literature, there are only fragmentary data on the clinical course of the disease, pathological changes and pathogenesis features. Therefore, performance of such studies is necessary to conduct targeted and effective control measures in regions with a simulidotoxicosis problem.

The goal of the work. To study the mechanism of the pathogenic effect of blood-sucking black-flies on the organism of cattle on the basis of clinical studies and pathomorphological changes in the simuliidotoxicosis.

Materials and methods. Spring field studies were conducted in conditions of high activity of bloodsucking black-flies. The object of the study was cattle of the different age groups sick, ill with a simuliidotoxicosis. There was established continuous clinical observation taking into account physiological parameters and conducting hematological research of experimental and control groups of animals. Pathomorphological changes were studied on heifers and cows, who died from black-flies, as well as on heifers that were compulsory slaughtered because of high level of simuliidotoxicosis.

Results of research and discussion. Intoxication of the organism was characterized by fever, acceleration of the pulse rate and respiration, the appearance of edema, hyperptyalism. In the initial period of the disease, data on hematological studies indicated a pronounced erythropenia, leukopenia with a simultaneous decrease in hemoglobin. At the same time developed eosinophilia, neutrophilia with the right shift. Pathologic-anatomical changes at a severe acute disease were characterized by serous edema of hypodermic tissue. We observed edema of the tongue, tissues of the nasopharynx, vocal cords. Histological changes were characterized by serous-haemorrhagic or hyperplastic splenitis, smoothing of follicular structure and proliferation of red pulp by cells of different stages of maturity.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. It has been established that along with the serious clinical manifestation of the simuliidotoxicosis in the organism of sick animals undergo profound pathomorphological changes characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes, the development of septicemia, congestive hyperemia, dystrophy, necrobiosis and necrosis of cellular elements of internal organs. Further research will be aimed at in-depth study of the biology features of the blood-sucking black-flies and the development of control measures concerning them.

Keywords: simuliidotoxicosis, clinical symptoms, pathomorphological changes.


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