Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2019, 34, 140-146 [in Ukrainian]. https://doi.org/10.31073/vet_biotech34-17

SACHUK R.N., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Research Station Of Epizootology IVM NAAS


Introduction. The market of veterinary preparations of Ukraine is represented by a large assortment of means for the treatment of udder nipples hyperkeratosis, but their composition does not differ significantly by active substances, where mainly include zinc oxide, chlorhexidine and lactic acid.

The goal of the work was study of the therapeutic efficacy of the preparation for external use “Ointment for wounds” on the basis of essential oils of Siberian pine, eucalyptus, cloves, cedar, tea tree and oil solution of chlorophyllipt in case of nipples’ hyperkeratosis of udder.

Materials and methods. The research was carried out on a dairy farm of the Rivne oblast on Ukrainian black-and-white cows with 6000 kg average milk yield. Cows of the experimental group were applied 0.5 g of “Ointment for wounds” on the nipple immediately after milking twice a day for 12 days. Nipples’ of animals of the control group were treated with ointment “Dbaylyva doyarochka” based on retinol acetate, tocopherol acetate, chamomile extract, and glycerol by the same scheme. Affected nipples were evaluated using a diagnostic scale. Nipples’ examination was conducted daily during the treatment, then in 19th and 31st days. Measurement of callosity diameter on the top of the nipple was also conducted. The efficacy of the preparation was evaluated by callosity diameter reduction, granulation of radial cracks, smoothing the callosity relief, improving the skin texture. The number of somatic cells and total viable count in milk were determined.

Results of research and discussion. During the treatment of the experimental group of cows applying “Ointment for wounds” the skin of the nipples became soft and elastic, the softening of the callosity in the area of the sphincter of the nipple canal and ejection of keratinized layers of skin were observed. Comparing the therapeutic effect of two means, a higher efficiency of “Ointment for wounds” was confirmed. The preparation showed 100% therapeutic efficacy, the mean time of nipples’ cracks healing was in 7.4±0.4 days, while use of ointment “Dbaylyva doyarochka” in control group 87.9% and 9.9 ± 0.47 days respectively. Treatment of cows with severe nipples hyperkeratosis using investigated preparation allowed to increase milk quality by the index of somatic cells, the level of which in animals of the experimental group by the end of the observation period was 170.8 ± 3.99 thousand/ml that was lower compared to the control group’s index by 44.3%.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. The results obtained after comparing two drugs for local use shown a higher efficiency of the preparation “Ointment for wounds” in case of complicated hyperkeratosis of udder nipples of high-yielding cows. Treatment of cows with severe hyperkeratosis of nipples using tested preparation allows to improve the quality of milk by the indices of somatic cells and total viable count.

Keywords: udder, nipple, essential oil, chlorophyllipt, cow, injury, hyperkeratosis.


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