Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotekhnolohiia– Veterinary biotechnology, 2023, 42, 49-55 [in Ukrainian]. https://doi.org/10.31073/vet_biotech42-06

 KATYUKHA S.M., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., KRIVOSHIA P.YU., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Experimental station of epizootology



Introduction. The role of arthropods as carriers and reservoirs of pathogens of transmissible infections and invasions is extremely significant, proven by many studies and generally recognized. At the same time, parasitic arthropods, especially blood-sucking dipterous insects (midges) and ixodid ticks, have significant negative impact on the productivity of cattle.Therefore, protective measures are necessary to prevent a decrease in milk yield and an increase in the weight of young animals. Among such measures the most expedient, cost-effective and ecologically safe to date is the treatment of animals with fast-acting contact insect acaricides (pyrethroid). However, livestock farmers still have a misconception about the feasibility of using pyrethroids and the high economic costs of preventive treatment of livestock, which, in turn, negatively affects the production of livestock products in the grazing period.

The goal of the work. To study the economic effectiveness of domestic insecto-acaricidal drugs from the group of synthetic pyrethroids «Ektosan» and «Ciflur» on cattle against midges and ticks.

Materials and methods. We used an aqueous emulsion of «Ektosan» in the recommended dilution of 1:750 for individual treatments, which was applied to the hair cover of the entire surface of the animal’s body using a small-volume spraying with a rate of consumption of 500 ml per cow. The «Ciflur» solution is ready for external use and was slowly rubbed into the skin along the line of the spine from the withers to the sacrum using a dispenser in a dose of 10 ml per 1 animal. The economic effectiveness of the use of insectoacaricidal drugs was determined by comparing the increase in average daily milk yield of cows in the experimental and control groups with the costs of the drugs (prices of 2022).

Results of research and discussion. The use of water emulsion «Ektosan» in recommended concentration provides satisfactory level of protection against midges and ticks (deterrence coefficient 74,7±0,7%) of the entire treated herd for up to 36 hours. Treatment of dairy cattle during the grazing period with the drug «Ciflur» allows achieve effective protection for 36 days (deterrence coefficient 76,7±0,9%) as well. The economic effect of «Ektosan» on cattle in the recommended modes of application is UAH 78,9 for UAH 1 costs (excluding the cost of spraying equipment and wages). The effectiveness of the drug «Ciflur» on dairy cattle in the recommended modes of use is UAH 105,9 for UAH 1 expenses (excluding wages). The drug «Ciflur» is promising for individual treatment of animals in the grazing period, especially where the economic effect is higher not only in increased productivity, but also in convenience and ease of use compared to «Ektosan».

Conclusions and prospects for further research. The use of insectacaricides from the group of synthetic pyrethroids – «Ektosan» and «Ciflur» on dairy cattle in relation to midges and ticks is economically justified and highly profitable. Both drugs showed high economic efficiency that will help to increase the profitability of animal husbandry. In the future, it is planned to study the pathogenic effect of the components of midges and ticks on the body of cattle.

Keywords: cattle, insectoacaricides, «Ektosan», «Ciflur», effectiveness.


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