Cite: Katyukha S.M., Krivoshiya P.Yu., & Lukyanyk I.M. (2024). Pidkhody ratsionalnoho zakhystu velykoi rohatoi khudoby vid hnusu ta pasovyshchnykh mukh (ohliadova stattia) [Approaches of rational protection of cattle against gnat and grazing flies (review)]. Veterynarna biotekhnolohiia – Veterinary biotechnology, 44, 41-49. [in Ukrainian].
KATYUKHA S.M., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., KRIVOSHIYA P.YU., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., LUKYANYK I.M., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Research Station of Epizootology of the Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS
Introduction. The protection of animals from gnat (horse flies, mosquitoes, black flies, biting midges) and zoophilic flies during their mass flight is an important task of veterinary medicine specialists. In conditions of mass distribution of blood-sucking insects, animal husbandry often becomes unprofitable. To increase meat and dairy productivity insecticides and repellentsshould be used. Many drugs produced earlier have been withdrawn from production due to their toxicity to animals. In order to use such preparation to productive animals, it must meet a number of requirements, in particular, to have high efficiency with a long-lasting insecticidal and repellent effect, to be low-toxic (not lower than class III) for warm-blooded animals, not to be excreted with milk and do not accumulate in the tissues of treated animals in concentrations exceeding MRL, to be cost-effective and environmentally safe.
The goal of the work was to analyze common approaches to the rational protection of cattle from gnat and flies during the grazing period based on officially registered insecticide and repellents.
Materials and methods. Retrospective and modern methods of protection of productive animals from the specified issues were studied by literature analysis and other information sources.
Results of research and discussion. To protect cattle from gnats and zoophilic flies, it is rational to treat the hair coat of animals with fast-acting contact insecticides. The introduction of chlorinated hydrocarbons such as DDT and HCH into production practice was a significant achievement in the 40s and 50s of the last century for cattle treatment against gnat and flies. The effectiveness of organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides was studied in detail in the 60s and 70s, of which DDVP, Dibrom and Baygon turned out to be the most fast-acting, which do not accumulatein the body and are not excreted with milk, and therefore are promising for treating animals from gnat. However, due to the discovery of the toxicity of organophosphorus and carbamate compounds since 1988, their chemicals have not been allowed to be used in insecticides for productive animals. To date, synthetic pyrethroids are the most effective when treating animals against gnat and flies, most of which, along with exceptionally high insecticidal efficiency and low toxicity for warm-blooded animals, have significantly longer residual effect on the hair coat. The production of generics based on cyfluthrin Bayofly Pur-on drug over the past decade has been started in Ukraine, in particular Tsiflur, Flystop, which are not inferior in effectiveness. The modern insecticides with prolonged repellent action includes the preparation based on deltametrin Butox 7,5 Pur on. The use of Flektron – the ear tags, which include cypermethrin, turned out to be the most rational way to protect cattle.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. Тhе insecticides of the new generations are constantly appearing on the domesticpharmaceutical market, they are much safer from an ecological point of view, less toxic to the animal body and, at the same time, highly effective against arthropods. The external treatment of cattle with insecticides from the group of synthetic pyrethroids is one of the most affordable and rational measures to combat gnat and zoophilic flies. The insecticides with a prolonged repellent effect based on cyfluthrin (Tsyflur, Flystop), deltamethrin (Butox 7,5 Pur on) and cypermethrin (Flectron – ear tags) are promising for lactating animals.
The given results will be used in the creation of methodological recommendations for the protection of cattle from grazing ectoparasites.
Keywords: gnat, flies, insecticides, pyrethroids, cattle.
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