Cite: Mezhenskyi A.О. (2024). Metod vyznachennia operatsiino-anesteziolohichnoho ryzyku u veterynarnii khirurhii [Method for determining operational anesthetic risk in veterinary surgery]. Veterynarna biotekhnolohiia – Veterinary biotechnology, 44, 87-95. [in Ukrainian].
MEZHENSKYI A.О., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the NAAS
Introduction. To organize high-quality anesthesiological support for an operation, it is necessary to have objective data on the degree of operational risk. The issues of its definition in domestic veterinary anesthesiology are given insufficient attention or a number of objective factors that can radically affect the success of anesthesia and surgery are often not taken into account.
The goal of the work. To develop and test in clinical practice a method for determining surgical and anesthetic risk in veterinary surgery.
Materials and methods. The results of anesthesiological and surgical work, which was carried out on the basis of the departments of surgery of two institutions of higher education and veterinary clinics in 1999-2023, were summarized and subjected to statistical analysis. We analyzed “Anesthetic Care Cards for Animals” of different species (horses, cattle, small cattle, pigs, dogs and cats), which underwent different types of anesthesia during surgical interventions. The obtained information was systematized, summarized, grouped and compared with each other and with data from specialized literature sources on veterinary anesthesiology.
Results of research and discussion. A method for determining operational and anesthetic risk in veterinary surgery has been developed and tested in practice, according to which a quantitative (in points) assessment of the risk of general anesthesia and surgery is carried out using the “Indicator rating scale for determining operational and anesthetic risk in veterinary surgery”. The developed scale allows to evaluate indicators (the condition and age of the animal, the method of anesthesia, the volume and urgency of the operation) in points, and their sum is used to determine the degree of operational and anesthetic risk using the Table for determining the degree of operational and anesthetic risk in veterinary surgery. Based on the results of statistical analysis, the probable mortality of animals was predicted depending on the degree of surgical and anesthetic risk.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. The developed method for determining operational and anesthetic risk in veterinary surgery is quite universal, takes into account most objective factors influencing the risk, allows one to predict the probable mortality of an animal during anesthesia and surgery, and can be used when working with animals of any species and age.
Keywords: animal anesthesia, anesthetic risk, veterinary surgery, determination of anesthetic risk.