Cite: Polupan І.М., & Rudoi О.V. (2024). Vydilennia virusu skazu v kulturi klityn [Isolation of rabies virus in cell culture]. Veterynarna biotekhnolohiia – Veterinary biotechnology, 44, 103-108. [in Ukrainian].
POLUPAN І.М., email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the NAAS
RUDOI О.V., email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
State Research Institute for Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise
Introduction. The main method of diagnosing rabies is the Direct Fluorescent Antibody test (DFA). In case of doubtfull results, the mouse innoculation test is performed. Despite the fact that the mouse innoculation test is a highly sensitive method of rabies diagnostic, it has significant limitations. An alternative to the mouse innoculation test for the isolation of the rabies virus from pathological material is the use of cell culture.
The goal of the work. To evaluate the suitability of various cell cultures for isolation of the rabies virus.
Materials and methods of research. To conduct comparative studies on the isolation of rabies virus from pathological material, three types of cell cultures BHK-21 C13 (АТСС ССL-10), Neuro-2a (АТСС CCL-131) and SK (saiga kidney) were used. 11 samples of the pathological material (brain) were used: 3 from cats, 4 from dogs, 2 from foxes and 2 from cattle. The infectivity of the pathological material was tested by performing the mouse innoculation test. The presence of the genetic material of the rabies virus in the pathological material was tested by RT-PCR.
Results of research and discussion. In the cell culture BHK-21 C13, the rabies virus was isolated in eight of 11 pathological materials, which made 72.7%. Low sensitivity to street isolates of the rabies virus was determined in the cells SK, in which only two out of 11 (18.2%) street isolates of the rabies virus were isolated. Cell culture Neuro-2a showed an absolute sensitivity of 100% (11 out of 11 materials were isolated) compared to the results of the mouse innoculation test and RT-PCR.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. According to the results of the research, it was determined that the optimal cell culture for isolating the rabies virus from pathological material is a cells of mouse neuroblastoma Neuro-2a (ATCC CCL-131).
Keywords: rabies, laboratory diagnosis, pathological material, cell culture, mouse innoculation test, virus isolation.