Cite: Sytiuk, M. (2024). Perspektyvy stvorennia efektyvnykh vaktsyn proty afrykanskoi chumy svynei (ohliadova stattia) [Perspectives of creating effective vaccines against African swine fever (review)]. Veterynarna biotekhnolohiia – Veterinary biotechnology, 44, 109-118. [in Ukrainian].
SYTIUK M., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the NAAS
Introduction. The article is dedicated to the main challenges in developing specific preventive measures for ASF.
The goal of the work was to present reasons that make it impossible to create effective protective vaccines against ASF.
Materials and methods. Literary data on the structure of the ASF virus, pathogenesis, formation of the immune response and approaches to development of effective vaccines were used.
Results of research and discussion. Unfortunately, science does not know all the mechanisms of maintaining the viral population in pigs, which for more than 50 years prevented the creation of an effective vaccine against ASFV, and currently the issue of vaccination remains unresolved, in our opinion, as a tool for fighting ASFV. We believe that measures aimed at biosafety and bioprotection of pig farms and the private sector, yard control of pig slaughter, scientifically based control system for the number of wild pigs are the most effective for the prevention and control of ASF for our country.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. Analysis of the current state of development of vaccines against ASFV in scientific experiments showed an insufficient level of individual and group immunity, and all the mechanisms of survival of the ASFV virus in the body of pigs are not known.
In our opinion, promising means of combating ASF are a set of measures aimed at timely diagnosis, elimination of the disease, and implementation of a reliable system of biosecurity and bioprotection of pig farms in Ukraine.
Keywords: African swine fever, special features of the structure of the virus, types of vaccines, immunity, promising means of control.
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