Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Cite: Tarasov, O.A., Hudz, N.V., Savcheniuk, M.O., & Shaposhnik, V.M. (2024). Vyznachennia chutlyvosti do antybiotykiv izoliativ Streptococcus suis vydilenykh protiahom 2017–2021 rokiv [Study of antibiotic sensitivity of Streptococcus suis isolates selected in 2017–2021]. Veterynarna biotekhnolohiia – Veterinary biotechnology, 44, 119-129. https://doi.org/10.31073/vet_biotech44-11 [in Ukrainian]


TARASOV O.A., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., HUDZ N.V., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the NAAS

SAVCHENIUK M.O., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

SHAPOSHNIK V.M., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Expert center for diagnostics and laboratory support of Biolights LLC



   Introduction. The irrational use of antibiotics, in particular as growth stimulants, leads to the emergence of microorganisms strains characterized by multidrug resistance. It should also be noted that infectious pathology has an increased risk of occurrence in farms where violations of animal husbandry conditions, feeding rations and feed quality are recorded.

   The detection of outbreaks of streptococcosis in all groups of weaned piglets, which are at the highest risk, indicates a problematic state of streptococcal infection in pig production. Regardless of the type of animal husbandry, the pathogen causes significant economic losses, mainly due to the loss of animal productivity. The isolation of pathogenic variants of S. suis among gilt pigs is the highest in post-weaning groups due to significant stress and changes in diet. The incidence in these groups can reach 70%, and mortality – 45%.

   Microbial resistance to antibiotics is an important problem because it causes significant economic losses in livestock production and poses a threat to human health due to the possible transmission of plasmid resistance genes among different groups of even unrelated microorganisms due to the so-called gene drift in microbiocenoses

   The goal of the work was to determine the susceptibility of S. suis isolates selected during 2016-2021 to antibiotic substances in in vitro experiments.

   Materials and methods. Isolates confirmed as S. suis microbiologically and by PCR were used from pathological material from pigs obtained from Kyiv, Cherkasy, Vinnytsia, Odesa, Chernihiv, Khmelnytsky, and Poltava regions during 2017-2021. The total number of isolates was 114, 16 isolates were selected in 2017, 24 – in 2018-2020 and 26 – in 2021. All isolates used in the studies were isolated from dead piglets less than 7 days old.

   The sensitivity to 12 antibiotic substances was determined by the agar diffusion method according to a standard protocol using disks with a known amount of antibiotics (Farmaktiv LLC, Ukraine). A brief description of the procedure includes the use of a suspension with a concentration of 1×108 CFU/cm3 prepared separately for each isolate and inoculated onto Mueller-Hinton agar with 5% sheep blood in Petri dishes (120 mm diameter) on which disks with a known concentration of antibiotics were applied. The dishes were incubated for 24 hours at 35.5±0.5°C, and after the microorganism grew, the growth inhibition zone was recorded using a caliper and expressed in mm. The reference strain of S. suis ATCC 10234 was used as a positive control to evaluate the antibiotic activity.

   Results of research and discussion. The sample selection for the study was limited, but due to the uniformity of coverage of the farms where the samples were collected among the same age group of pigs, it allowed us to compare resistance to antibacterial substances within the range of sampling time and determine the likely trends in the spread of antibiotic resistance.

   The majority of isolates were resistant to erythromycin (73.6%), clindamycin (80.7%), and did not show susceptibility to tetracycline (76.3%) and doxycycline (74.6%). Resistance was low in relation to the following antibiotics: penicillin (5.3%), amoxicillin (4.4%), ceftriaxone (3.5%), cephalexin (4.4%).

   The number of resistant S. suis to erythromycin and clindomycin remained virtually unchanged over the five years and averaged 73.4-76.7%. Sensitivity to gentamicin decreased from 33.3% to 23.07%. Antibiotics of the tetracycline group (doxycycline and tetracycline), according to dynamic indicators, are also losing their prospects for use, as resistance is at least 73.0%.

   The number of resistant isolates of S. suis to fluoroquinolone antibiotics (enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin) did not change significantly during the study period, with an average resistance for enrofloxacin ranging from 45.8 to 50.0%, and for ciprofloxacin – 30.8 to 33.2%. Regarding cephalosporin antibiotics, the number of resistant isolates was absent in 2017-2018, in 2019-2021, 1-2 resistant isolates were recorded. It should be noted that the resistance to two or more antibiotics in the isolates of 2020-2021 increased compared to the isolates of 2017.

   Conclusions and prospects for further research: As a result of the studies, it was found that S. suis isolates are characterized by pronounced resistance to tetracyclines (tetracycline/doxycycline), macrolides (erythromycin) and lincosamides (clindamycin), which was recorded throughout the study period 2017-2021. The number of resistant isolates of S. suis to fluoroquinolone antibiotics (enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin) did not change significantly during the study period, with an average resistance for enrofloxacin ranging from 45.8 to 50.0% and for ciprofloxacin – 30.8 to 33.2%. As for cephalosporin antibiotics, the number of resistant isolates did not register in 2017-2018, and in 2019-2021 1-2 resistant isolates were recorded.

   The results of the research will be used to improve measures aimed at rational antibiotic therapy of swine streptococcosis in Ukraine.

Keywords: S. suis, antimicrobial susceptibility, antibiotic substances, resistance.


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