Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"


   The bulletin is a periodic peer-reviewed open access edition publishing scientific (including review) articles on veterinary medicine and biotechnology issues, reviews of publications, monographs, manuals, textbooks, and advertising as well. Articles are published in Ukrainian, Russian and English. The articles are accepted all year round. The bulletin is issued before May 01 and October 01 annually.

   Page charges for this bulletin are set at 50.00 UAH per typeset page. The authors should pay charges after a manuscript is accepted. Additional fee is charged for article's DOI number, which is 130 UAH.

   To submit manuscript one should provide hard copies of an expert opinion on the possibility of publication, internal review regarding the manuscript, a manuscript (signed by all authors) to the editorial board and file of the manuscript sent via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as well. It is necessary to provide contact person’s e-mail and a phone number.

   The manuscript submitted for consideration should be original, relevant, have a theoretical and practical value, in Ukrainian, Russian or English, 6 pages no less. The file of the manuscript is MS Word 97-2003 (.doc), NAME OF THE FILE should be after the last name of the first author.

   Review time is no longer than 10 days.


   The manuscript font should be 14 pt for all document, line spacing – 1.5, all margins – 20 mm, indentation – 12.5 mm, justification.

The structure of the manuscript and its formatting should be as follows:

1) UDC (left-justified, capital letters, bold, no indentation);

2) AUTHOR’S LAST NAME AND INITIALS (in a line after the UDC, left-justified, in capital letters, bold, no indentation); separated by commas scientific degree, academic status (normal font), in accordance with the requirements to abbreviation of scientific degrees, and e-mail; below affiliation in italics, no paragraph, alignment on both sides for each co-author. Emails of all authors should be provided;

3) THE TITLE OF THE ARTICLE (in a line below, capital letters, bold, centered, no indentation);

4) Abstract is 500-600 characters (in a line below, italics, justified, no indentation); the abstract summarizes the content of the manuscript, distinguishing it from already known statements;

5) Keywords (in a new line, italics, indentation, justified, up to 5 words);

6) Introduction (bold, in a line after the keywords, first-line indented, justified). Presents the problem in general aspect, its relation to important scientific or practical tasks. The analysis of recent researches and publications, in which the solution to this problem was initiated, and on which the author relies, the selection of unresolved parts of the general problem, which is devoted to this article;

7) Goal of the work (bold) should be clearly defined;

8) Materials and methods of research (bold). Present the description of used methods, animals, conditions etc.;

9) Results of researches and discussion (bold). Present a research with the clear justification of revealed results;

10) Conclusions and prospects of further researches (bold) should be clear and meet the goal of the research;

11) Abstract in Ukrainian, 1800-2000 characters, with all article structure elements: Вступ, Мета роботи, Матеріали і методи досліджень, Результати досліджень та їх обговорення, Висновки та перспективи подальших досліджень, in italics. The title of the manuscript should be in capital letters, bold, first-line indented, justified, after the slash there should be authors’ last names and their initials in non-bold, in a line below there should be abstract text in italics, first-line indented, in the next line there should be keywords (bold, italic).

12) REFERENCES (capital bold letters, centered, no indentation). Used references are presented at the end of the manuscript in the order of mentioned sources in the text by their sequential numbering and indication of references in square brackets in the text. To do this you need to go to ukrlit.org for Cyrillic sources and use the automatic translation. MINIMUM NUMBER OF SOURCES is 15. For review manuscripts it should be at least 30. References are presented in accordance with the requirements of the APA international standard. Guidelines of References preparation can be downloaded HERE. It’s recommended to use sources published in the last 5–10 years (70%). Limit and use reasonably literature older than 10 years, for example, the original source to illustrate the historical aspect of the study, a publication of a technique that is still relevant or a publication describing a scientific hypothesis with which the results are compared. Avoid references to non-scientific publications (websites, press releases, interviews, newspapers and popular magazines), educational literature, abstracts of dissertations and conference abstracts.

Taxonomic names should be in italics (for example: S. aureus).

All illustrations should be original, placed in the text after the first refer, bold, centered and sequentially numbered: Fig. 1, Fig. 2. etc. In a line there should be the continuation of the article text.

All tables should be in the text after the first mention and they should be sequentially numbered. The word Table 1 italics, right-justified. The table name in a new line, centered, no indentation, bold. Next line – the table itself, centered, the boundary of the table justified. Complete table framing. The font size of the table should be 12 pt, the first column should be left-justified, table header and content centered. Notes under the table are bold, font size is 11 pt.

Biometric assessment of research results is obligatory.