Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2016, 29, 43-54 [in Ukrainian].

BERHILEVYCH O.M, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., KASYANCHUK V.V.. e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., CHERNECKII I., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sumy State University

TEREKHYNA O.V., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sumy National Agrarian University

BERHILEVYCH O.O., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

State Scientific and Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise


Introduction. Considered that animal products have to be controlled on microbiological hazards, because these products are most often contaminated with dangerous microorganisms during their production. To control microbiological hazards during food processing the HACCP system is used. For the quick functioning of the HACCP system the companies should develop and implement rapid methods for the control of microbial contamination of food. These methods can be implemented using computer models and programs that reflect the probable relationship between certain parameters of the product, conditions of storage (processing) and the number of microorganisms.

The goal of the work was to develop a method of prediction of psyhrotrophic microorganisms number in cooled cow’s milk using artificial neural networks.

Materials and methods. 550 samples of raw cow’s milk were collected from dairy farms of Kyiv, Sumy and Zaporizhia oblasts (Ukraine). For research we used milk of extra and higher class. All samples were investigated for total number of microorganisms and number of psyhrotrophic microorganisms using standard methods. Predicting method was developed using experimental models and a special artificial neural network with computer programs NeuroPro.

Results of research and discussion. Development of a method carried out in several stages. In the beginning was molded base their experimental data with model experiments. In experiment models it was determined relationship between the total number of microorganisms and psyhrotrophic microorganisms in raw milk, temperature and terms of storage. The next stage involved the input of the data to the artificial neural network for predicting using NeuroPro program that contains three input parameters (total number of microorganisms, temperature and term of storage milk) and one output parameter (predictable count of psyhrotrophic microorganisms).

Conclusions and prospects for further research. The method of predict the number of psyhrotrophic microorganisms in raw cow’s during storage at low temperatures, was developed. This method has a high degree of reliability (from 98.0% to 99.8%) and its average error (standard deviation) of 0.5% to 2.0%. Advantages of this method included: its speed, informatively and significantly reduction of the number of tests for microorganisms number detection. This method will replace real experiments on mathematical models that adequately reflect the most important regularities of the objects. Application of the proposed method will facilitate effective control in milk production and timely use of corrective measures.

Keywords: prediction, artificial neural networks, psyhrotrophic microorganisms, milk.


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