Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2016, 29, 117-131 [in Ukrainian].

KLESTOVA Z.S., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

State Scientific Control Institute of Biotechnology and Strains of Microorganisms


Introduction. This article considered some aspects that enhance the ability to predict biorisks of “economically significant animal viral infections”, which are referred to as cross-border, emergent, such as Crimean-Congo fever, African swine fever, Classical swine fever (CSF), Gumboro disease, avian influenza, Newcastle disease (ND).

The goal of the work was forecasting biorisks in veterinary to prevent of animal viral infections.

Materials and methods. Retrospective and scientific analysis of infection epizootological data.

Results of research and discussion. CSF is one of the most dangerous infections for pig populations but attempts to eliminate the disease have not yet reached a stable success. According to our analysis of the epizootic situation in the world (1961–2015) and calculation the risks of CSF in Ukraine, the country conditionally divided into 4 zones: zone of slightest risk of CSF; zone of moderate risk, zone of high risk of CSF; zone of the highest number of CSF outbreaks. The biggest number of seropositive animals was found in the Central (14.9%) and the North (12.3%) regions of Ukraine. The biggest number of CSF virus seropositive animals was found in Cherkasy (100%) in 2001 and Poltava oblast (80%) in 2003. Among the Northern region 100 % seropositive animals have been registered in the Kyiv oblast in 2002. The smallest number of CSF seropositive wild pigs was observed in the Western Ukraine − 5.36%. We obtained a similarity trend of CSF among domestic and wild pigs with two-step intensity periods of epizootic situation in 2000−2004 and 2006−2010. We reviewed some aspects of other viral diseases too, which are of interest to the prediction of risk, namely, Crimean-Congo fever, African swine fever, CSF, Gumboro disease, ND and it is going to our work.

Conclusions and recommendations for further research. Perhaps a system of forecasting the transboundary viral infections of animals, which will be based on holding a classical epizootic analysis and the study of the resistance mechanisms of animal organisms to pathogens, genetic analysis of the pathogens, ways of transmission, detection of natural reservoirs, the development of infections and risk assessmen.

Keywords: emergence, infections, viruses, animals, biorisks.


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