Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2016, 29, 226-232 [in Ukrainian].

RADSIKHOVSKII N., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., DYSHKANT O., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Zhytomyr National Agroecological University

ROZUMNYUK A., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the NAAS


Introduction. Canine parvovirus enteritis is a common cause of acute, severe gastroenteritis in young dogs. Animals are under greatest risk less than 6 months of age and either unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated for canine parvovirus. The goal of the work was to identify the morphological and biochemical change in the blood of dogs sick with parvovirus enteritis.

Material and methods. We used VetExpert rapid tests to confirm CPV in the veterinary clinics of Zhytomyr and positive results of private laboratory Ltd. “Bald” (Kyiv). Hematological and biochemical studies performed using biochemical analyzer BioChem SA using High Tehnology Inc. reagents (USA). Blood samples were tested for RBC and WBC number, leucogram, amount of hemoglobin, hematocrit, speed of erythrocyte sedimentation by electronic-automatic method. Blood sera were tested for common protein by biuretic method, urea by fermentation method, creatinine by Jaffe method, common calcium by comlexone Arsonaso-3, innorganic phosphorus by phosphomolibdate method, glucose by fermentation method. Activity of Asparagine and Alanine aminotranpedase (AsAT and AlAT) by Reitmann-Frenkel method, alkaline phosphatase by kinetic method.

Results of research and discussion. In our work we used the results of research of 288 breed and not purebred dogs in 2013–2016. The temperature of their body was normal. It was found that sick animals had low number of RBC because of infectious agent that provides hemolysis of erythrocytes. Amounts of hemoglobin, calcium, phosphorus, glucose, urea and creatinine were under the normal indexes for dogs. It was confirmed hypoproteinemia in blood serum of sick animals. High activity of AsAT indicated the liver cells damage and cytolysis processes. Also, we detected increased activity of alkaline phosphatase that was related with damaging of biliary ducts since normal content of common calcium and inorganic phosphorus indexes were within physiological values.

Conclusions and prospects for further research: 1. Reduction of the WBC number (28%) and lymphocytes (6%) below the minimum indices in dogs with parvovirus enteritis was the result of immune deficiency, caused by inhibition of the cellular component of the immune response. 2. At parvovirus enteritis dogs’ liver is affected: total protein content reduced (7%), AspAT (12%) and alkaline phosphatase (20%) activity increased compared to physiological indices. 3. The further study of blood cells especially leukocyte profile is of our interest for a deeper studying of pathological processes in dogs’ with parvovirus enteritis.

Keywords: canine parvovirus enteritis, steady-state blood, serum of blood, morphological indices, biochemical indices.


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