Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology"

Veterynarna biotehnologija – Veterinary biotechnology, 2016, 29, 253-265 [in Ukrainian].

TIUTIUN S.V., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., RYZHENKO G.F., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., GORBATIUK O.I., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ANDRIIASCHIUK V.A., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ZHOVNIR O.M., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the NAAS


Introduction. The paper highlights the issue of vaccine prevention and vaccinotherapy at cattle fusobacteriosis using vaccine “Nekrosan”, and in case of associated infections – “Nekrosan-2”, “Nekrosan-3”, “Nekrosalm”, “Nekrokolisalm”, “Fuzoaktynosan”. Immunomodulatory agents of plant and animal origin are include in the composition of these vaccines using which you can vaccinate weak and sick animals. This is especially important during the scheduled activities on the farm concerning animals fusobacteriosis prevention or elimination.

The goal of the work. Deep introduction for farm workers, specialists of veterinary medicine, scientists with veterinary immunobiological agents against fusobacteriosis that produced using modern technologies and can be used as for prophylactic so therapeutic purposes.

Materials and methods. Produced vaccines “Nekrosan-2”, “Nekrosan-3”, “Nekrosalm”, “Nekrokolisalm”, “Fuzoaktynosan” were tested by all required physical and biological properties under the current technical specifications of Ukraine for each vaccine and meet their characteristics and standards. Vaccine “Nekrosan” was used with preventive and therapeutic purposes in farms: SF “Matusivskyi” in Cherkasy oblast, “Chaikin” branch of AF “Svitanok” in Chernihiv oblast, EF “Askaniyske” in Kherson oblast, EF “Lidiyevske” in Mykolaiv oblast, EF “Elitne” in Kyiv oblast, Tsyurupa’s PAE in Zhytomyr oblast, etc. Results of research and discussion. In Ukraine, the first time vaccine “Nekrosan” was produced in 1998, and testing of five vaccines has been performed in recent years: “Nekrosan-2”, “Nekrosan-3”, “Nekrosalm”, “Nekrokolisalm”, “Fuzoaktynosan”. Animal vaccination provides: - strong long-term protection of animal (up to 80–90%) against fusobacteriosis; - mild course and clinical manifestations of the disease; - accelerates the recovery of sick animals; - eliminating or reducing the time of antibiotic treatment, which is particularly important for dairy cattle; - reduction of the term of treatment of affected limbs in 2–3 times and accelerate the recovery of sick animals; - reduce the cost of animals’ treatment; - prolongation of the use of cows for 1–2 lactation, which contributed to obtaining additional 10–12 thousand. kg of milk per cow; - decrease of the highly productive cows culling rate; - increasing of cows’ reproductive function. Personal experience shows that applying our vaccines against fusobacteriosis and fusobacteriosis complicated by associated infections can be vaccinated as sick animals so weakened ones because they include immunomodulatory agents of plant and animal origin.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. For specific prevention of fusobacteriosis in cattle vaccine “Nekrosan”should be used. Depending on the epizootic state it is allowed to vaccinate cattle against fusobacteriosis and infections associated with this disease by inactivated vaccines: “Nekrosan-2” – against fusobacteriosis (necrobacillosis), necrotic hepatitis, malignant edema, infectious (anaerobic) enterotoxemia and colibacteriosis of animals; “Nekrosan-3” – against foot rot, fusobacteriosis (necrobacillosis), infectious (anaerobic) enterotoxaemia and cocci infections of animal; “Nekrosalm” – against necrobacillosis and salmonellosis of animals; “Nekrokolisalm” – against necrobacillosis and colibacillosis and salmonellosis of animals; “Fuzoaktynosan” – against fusobacteriosis and actinobacillosis. Given that these vaccine includes immunomodulatory means of plant and animal origin, vaccination can be used for weak and sick animals. Further studies will be directed on search for advanced technologies of associated vaccines designing against fusobacteriosis and its associated infections – application of advanced colloidal solutions of metals nanoparticles (CuNP, АgNP, АuNP, FеNP).

Keywords: fusobacteriosis, vaccine prevention, vaccine therapy, mono- and associated vaccine, immunomodulating agents.


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